Colin Eldridge
Warmest greetings, and thank you for visiting my website. For me, permaculture has been more than an inspiring learning journey; it is a deeply moving life purpose that has changed how I see and interact with the world forever. I would love to share that with you.
I studied environmental education at Hampshire College. I loved the program but, wow, it was a depressing major. I learned so much about how much we’ve messed up the planet with multiple ecological crises. Then I learned about Permaculture, and I was given new hope. I was shown people who are using natural processes to regenerate the damage that’s been done. I learned that it’s possible to provide for the needs of all beings. I was absolutely blown away by how much permaculture offers as an ethical design science that can be applied to solve almost any problem.
I took a Permaculture Design Certification in 2014 with Bill Wilson of Midwest Permaculture. I founded Fractal Permaculture in 2015 as a regenerative learning hub and design service. In 2020 I enrolled in the the People’s Diploma with Permaculture Institute with Delvin Solkinson of Visionary Permaculture as my mentor.
I have facilitated several workshops and courses with dozens of organizations and events, such as the Building Resilient Communities Permaculture Convergence in Global Eclipse Gathering. I have worked closely with individuals and non-profits to develop on-site permaculture learning programs, land-based ecological designs and social templates for harmonious community living.
I am also dedicated to serving people through Yoga Therapy and Holistic Healing. In 2019 I started supporting people on their healing journeys through Earth Rooted Wellness. I guide people to heal naturally and live regeneratively in all aspects of life.
If you would like to collaborate with me, or are looking for a permaculture teacher for your institution or event, please feel free to write me at fractalpermaculture@gmail.com or text me at 413-203-9688.
May you be well,

Providing education, consultation and design to regenerate lifeways and landscapes.

An abundant paradise where every living being’s needs are met, where all are treated fairly, and where everyone has ample opportunity for union with nature and self-actualization.

– Selfless Service
– Peace on Planet Earth
– Compassion for All Living Beings
– Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share
– Social, Economic, Environmental Justice
Fractal Permaculture collaborates and cross-pollinates with: